
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Books, Novels and etc


One of my new year target for last year is to read at least 12 books for 2011.Since now dah November, i think dah boleh review macamana im doing so far kan? (bunyi macam review target jualan MLM jer hahaha ) and start buat target baru la for 2012.

So far I 've read 

After reading this book, i cant stop asking hubby untuk ganti my missed Honeymoon trip to Bali, (argghhh)

My Favourite: Highly recommeded for Mummy to be,this book macam Sex and the city except that , ni version orang pregnant.

Novel paling cepat me habiskan (within 3 days ), 2 hours each days.Easy reading.Kalau me baca zaman sekolah menengah maybe i will appreaciate lebih kot.Should read Pride and Prejudice istead.

 Issue senang je, aku tak cantik ko cantik, tapi perangai ko macam busuk je, tapi kenapa ko dapat Bf baik? Ok aku nak BF ko, ko jgn kata aku jahat.
At the end kita yg baca pun akan sokong yang perampas ni, sebab dia deserve nak rampas Bf baik dari orang jahat
Apakah ?
( teruk nyer tahap review, macamana nak buat Literature review for PHD ni ? )

the one and only book yang me tak finish, ( for this year ) bukan sebab tak sedap dibaca, tapi sebab buku tu koyak rabak di kerjakan Nuh, nak beli baru sayang , end up separuh jalan.

My first Sophie Kinsella ,walaupun pernah tgk Confession of Shopaholic the Movie, tak sangka plak even in Novel writter dia witty like that, me baca and gelak2 so comel the main character. 

Semalam baru bought 2 book for total bargain, hardcover novel for rm 19.90 each ? Best giler, this is my first hardcover novel too.Selama ni mana mampu nak beli hardcover mahal.SO for this 2 book instead of RM 70 each , i bought it for RM 38.90 for 2! oh bertuahnya saya hihihi

Sempat kot baca before end of 2011 kan ?Lagipun cuti raya haji panjangggggggg hihi.



mommynadia said...

ect??mende hoh??

baca buku would be my year2020 target..!!

Naim H. said...

You have Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go? Kene bace tpi kedai habi dohhh wuwuwuuuuu

Anonymous said...

byknye baca buku..
hahahah..bagus guh pong..
sedangkan buku malay pon tak terbaca..
inikan novel inggerisshh nie..
lasung laa..tak bsentuh!

Farrah MF said...

novel sophie kinsella mmg best2!

najmi said...

ect ect ? mana la aku tahu full word tu apa, saje je nak manjang title takkan books je
ok ah tu target 2020, 200 books hahaha

najmi said...

ink,sedap ker? kalau ada nak pinjam,save sikit, selamat hari raya, dok mari dok rumah sibuk teh

najmi said...

sarah, tak sampai target ni, me baca time nunggu turn kat hospital je, kat rumah mmg confirm takleh baca, tapi sekarang ni weeknd baca jgk pasal nak kejar target hahahah

buku agama tak baca ( nasihat utk diri sendiri huhu )

bila nak insaf ni najmi oiiii

najmi said...

salam cik farrah, itu la saya tak pernah baca, sedap rupanya no wonder ramai org collect buku dia huhu

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